Anglais The Dream Archipelago


In a world at war, the Dream Archipelago is a neutral zone, and therefore an alluring prospect to the young men on both sides of the conflict.
In this interlinked collection of short stories and novellas, Christopher Priest explores war, relationships and forms of reality. Each tale is a truimph of quiet, steady craftsmanship, a model of ingenious design and subtle implication, and as a group they further enrich each other by interlocking cleverly, symmetrically and sometimes sinisterly.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS).

  • Authors

    Christopher Priest

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  • EAN


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  • Nombre de pages

    352 Pages

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  • Poids

    532 Ko

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    ebook (ePub)

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Christopher Priest

Considéré comme l'un des écrivains les plus originaux de la littérature anglo-saxonne, Christopher Priest a écrit quelques-uns des textes majeurs de l'imaginaire contemporain : Le monde inverti, La séparation ou encore La fontaine pétrifiante. Son chef-d'oeuvre, Le prestige, a été adapté au cinéma par Christopher Nolan.
