Anglais Inverted World


A uniquely powerful novel of a society in decay. On a planet whose very nature is a mystery a massive decrepit city is pulled along a massive railway track, laying the line down before it as it progresses into the wilderness.
The society within toils under an oppressive regime, its structures always on the point of collapse, the lives of its individuals lived in misery. No one knows where they are going, why they are going or what they will find when they get there.
The ending of the novel provides one of the most profound twists in SF.
Winner of the BSFA Award for best novel, 1974.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS).

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    Christopher Priest

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    250 Pages

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    338 Ko

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Christopher Priest

Considéré comme l'un des écrivains les plus originaux de la littérature anglo-saxonne, Christopher Priest a écrit quelques-uns des textes majeurs de l'imaginaire contemporain : Le monde inverti, La séparation ou encore La fontaine pétrifiante. Son chef-d'oeuvre, Le prestige, a été adapté au cinéma par Christopher Nolan.
