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"We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located", Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be adapted to the demands of innovation, growth and employment. The process leading to their institutionalization escapes a summary analysis of the behavior triggered by monetary incentives or, at the very least, makes it richer. The relational aspect becomes predominant, the interactions between the participants testify to the difficulty of separating the geographical and social dimensions. In the most prominent American clusters, public/private linkages and the building of social links express the centrality of networks in the innovation process. The European vision seeks to articulate entrepreneurial discoveries with vertical public interventions. The competitiveness poles in France suffer from the fact that public choices seem to be torn between two contradictory objectives: efficiency and equity.
Les dimensions actuelles du phenomene technologique
Bernard Guilhon
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Logiques économiques
- 3 November 2011
- 9782296285842
Les paradoxes de l'économie du savoir
Bernard Guilhon
- Hermès Science
- 17 September 2012
- 9782746289024
La connaissance joue un rôle fondamental dans l'évolution des sociétés contemporaines, les mécanismes de production, d'appropriation et de dissémination des connaissances se heurtent aujourd'hui aux contraintes de la globalisation. Les fondements et les mécanismes de fonctionnement d'une économie immatérielle se trouvent ainsi remis en cause dans de nombreux domaines (stratégies R&D et d'innovation des agents économiques, gestion de l'environnement, dispositifs de formation, analyse macroéconomique des économies, etc.). Cette remise en cause, dont la lecture se fait à travers l'analyse des stratégies et des comportements des acteurs économiques, suscite la formation de paradoxes, voire de contradictions. Après avoir mis en évidence les repères, les trajectoires et les promesses que dessine l'économie du savoir, cet ouvrage propose d'explorer les singularités de la production et l'usage des connaissances, les processus de qualification et de gestion des ressources cognitives, mais également ceux qui ont trait au fonctionnement des économies.
Venture Capital and the Financing of Innovation
Bernard Guilhon, Sandra Montchaud
- Wiley-ISTE
- 7 January 2020
- 9781119693581
The funding of innovative projects that are fundamentally ambiguous often leads to situations where decision-making is difficult. However, decision-making can be improved by practices such as syndication and step-by-step funding. The dynamic of this industry requires us to consider the economic and institutional variables that make this system coherent in English-speaking countries, but conversely reduce it to a privileged niche by the leading authorities in Europe and France. This book proposes two guiding ideas. The first idea presents innovation as a very uncertain process. This modifies the decision-making in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, with intervention upstream in regards to stronger foundations, evaluations and selection of projects. The second idea is that the actors hold onto partial knowledge in a context where their attention span is limited. These cognitive limitations need the formation of networks, and lead to mutual and complementary dependency relations.
L'économie et la société françaises au second XXe siècle (2). Les mutations sectorielles
Jacques Aberlen, Bernard Guilhon, Philippe Langevin, Maurice Parodi, Nadine Richez-Battesti, Claude Sage, Didier Vi
- Armand Colin (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Collction U - Série économie
- 22 July 2019
- 9791037626486
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.