- Springer (13)
- Disruptive Publishing (2)
- Stock (2)
- Aubier (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Birkhäuser (1)
- CNRS Éditions (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Caramel (1)
- Diversité artistique Montréal (DAM) (1)
- Editions L'Harmattan (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Economica) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions du Scorpion) (1)
- Institut français d`études andines (1)
- Jacques Richer (1)
- Juno Publishing (1)
- La revue Séquences Inc. (1)
- Lettres québécoises inc. (1)
- Librairie Droz (1)
- Mon Petit Editeur (1)
- Musée de la Gaspésie (1)
- Palgrave Macmillan (1)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (1)
- Presses universitaires de France (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Wiley (1)
- Wiley-Blackwell (1)
- Éditions Continuité (1)
39 produits trouvés
Ce recueil est une "saga poétique" évoquant un peuple premier qui voit avec tristesse et quelque peu de crainte, son monde connu peu à peu s'effacer ou se transformer avec l'irruption puis la présence d'un autre venu le dominer. Ces textes abordent les thèmes de l'incompréhension, de la domination et de la prédation. Mais surtout, ils parlent du temps, l'usure du temps et encore plus de la mort.
Labarriere Pierre-Je
- Presses universitaires de France (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Philosophie d'aujourd'hui
- 9 November 2018
- 9782130682622
Philosophie, poésie, mystique : entre ces champs divers de la connaissance et de l'action, le présent ouvrage, en décrivant l'efflorescence des formes montre l'implication de l'esthétique littéraire dans la philosophie d'aujourd'hui. « Copyright Electre »
26 Stories of Flagellation and Discipline--Now in one Volume! Collection of samples from a great many classics of erotic literature. Some you'll know quite well and be easily able to find here. Others are new to us, but in a few cases rather promising.
One of the earliest examples of sexual tourism. (Or nearly so). Complete title: The Nightless City, or The History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku, by An English Student of Sociology, is based on de Becker's experiences in Japan during the late 1890s. Told through the eyes of "The Lily," a girl with extraordinary beauty and superstar muscular control who finds herself sold into the life at an early age. Utilizing her special skill and a bit of luck, she makes her way to the top, Horatio-Alger style.
Phloem: Molecular Cell Biology, Systemic Communication, Biotic Interactions is a timely collection of research on the cellular and molecular biology of this plant vascular tissue. Recent advances in phloem research have revealed the centrality of this plant tissue to whole plant development and physiology. Building on advances made through developments of new analytical technologies, this book will provide readers with a current and comprehensive reference on the role of phloem in plant growth and development. Collecting the work of a global team of leading researchers, Phloem will provide the reader with a valuable synthesis of the latest research in a single volume.
Continuité. No. 140, Printemps 2014
Jean-Pierre Kesteman, Monique Nadeau-Saumier, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Josiane Ouellet, Julie Martin, Yolande Perron, Je
- Éditions Continuité
- Continuité
- 15 April 2014
- 9782922527339
La tragédie de Lac-Mégantic a attiré l'attention générale sur le transport ferroviaire et ses dangers. D'aucuns se sont étonnés que le train passe si près du centre-ville. C'est pourtant la ville qui s'est construite autour de la voie ferrée et non l'inverse. Ce rajustement de perspective rappelle le rôle majeur joué par le train dans l'histoire du pays. Sans minimiser les conséquences dévastatrices du déraillement de l'été dernier, le dossier de printemps de Continuité fait acte de mémoire en explorant notre patrimoine ferroviaire, qu'il prenne la forme de véhicules conservés au musée, de gares transformées en centre d'interprétation, de construction de génie toujours en opération ou de tronçons de chemin de fer transformé en piste cyclable, par exemple.
Democracia, etnicidad y violencia política en los países andinos
Jean-michel Blanquer, Ricardo Calla Ortega, Carlos Ivan Degregori, Pierre Gilhodes, Andres Guerrero, Patrick Husson, Je
- Institut français d`études andines
- 29 June 2014
- 9782821844988
La última década del siglo debía significar para América Latina la consolidación democrática y la inserción en la nueva economía-mundo. Pero en un contexto de crisis económica y ajuste neoliberal, el proceso resultó mucho más complejo de lo esperado. Nuevos problemas y nuevos actores cuestionaron los marcos que parecían definitivos. Nuestro continente, y dentro de él los países andinos, se encuentran así en una situación difícil pero fértil en nuevas posibilidades. El presente volumen contiene una selección de las ponencias presentadas a las Primeras Jornadas de Politología: "Las formas políticas de la democracia en los países andinos" convocadas por el Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos (IFEA). El texto se divide en cuatro secciones que abordan temas cruciales para el futuro de nuestros países: Democracia y partidos políticos; democracia y etnicidad; problemas de la transición democrática; democracia y violencia.
Âge : À partir de 5 ans
Un petit livre amusant pour lecteurs débutants
Et toi, que voudras-tu être quand tu seras grand ? Pompier ? Présentateur télé ? Joueur de foot ?
La collection « Un jour je serai » emmène les enfants à la découverte des métiers. Ces livres ludiques leur permettront également de découvrir les joies de la lecture avec un vocabulaire adapté à leur niveau.
Les Éditions Caramel :
Depuis plus de 20 ans, les Éditions Caramel créent chaque année des histoires inoubliables qui sont lues par des millions d'enfants à travers le monde.
Les plus belles créations des Éditions Caramel sont désormais disponibles en version numérique pour le plus grand plaisir des petits et des grands !
Un jour, je serai... Pompier parce que je voudrais sauver des vies ! Quand un immeuble sera en feu, je viendrai à toute vitesse avec mon grand camion rouge. Je serai courageux, j'éteindrai les flammes avec ma lance à incendie et j'irai chercher les gens pour les sauver ! -
The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Sung Je Cho
- Springer
- 10 February 2015
- 9783319126883
This book comprises the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 3500 experts from 92 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. This work aims to serve as a platform for deeper, more sensitive and more collaborative involvement of all major contributors towards educational improvement and in research on the nature of teaching and learning in mathematics education. It introduces the major activities of ICME-12 which have successfully contributed to the sustainable development of mathematics education across the world. The program provides food for thought and inspiration for practice for everyone with an interest in mathematics education and makes an essential reference for teacher educators, curriculum developers and researchers in mathematics education. The work includes the texts of the four plenary lectures and three plenary panels and reports of three survey groups, five National presentations, the abstracts of fifty one Regular lectures, reports of thirty seven Topic Study Groups and seventeen Discussion Groups.
Wheat Production in Stressed Environments
H.T. Buck, J.E. Nisi, N. Salomon
- Springer
- 16 May 2007
- 9781402054976
Wheat researchers have made unique contributions and excellent progress to the production increase over the past several decades, mainly in the less developed countries; however, there are many challenges that still lie ahead to make food more accessible than ever before in a sustainable manner and to meet the needs of a global growing population. Numerous biotic and abiotic stresses affect wheat in major production areas and its future growth will most likely come from marginal envir- ments where such stresses play even more important role. Developing countries are becoming increasingly urbanized. As urban populations grow, productive land disappears and this implies the need for more intensive cropping to keep pace. Water utilization for agriculture is also facing more competition from uses in urban areas. Focused efforts to improve wheat water-use efficiency are crucial to ensure sustainability of food production in water-constrained regions. Current crop management systems such as reduced or zero tillage, stubble retention and precision agriculture are vital to satisfy the increasing needs of food and maintain at the same time the sustainability of natural resources. The widespread adoption of conservation farming techniques requires the introduction of changes to wheat varieties in disease resistance, particularly stubble-born diseases.
Essentials of Interventional Techniques in Managing Chronic Pain
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Alan D. Kaye, Frank J.E. Falco, Joshua A. Hirsch
- Springer
- 4 January 2018
- 9783319603612
This comprehensive review covers the full and latest array of interventional techniques for managing chronic pain. Chapters are grouped by specific treatment modalities that include spinal interventional techniques, nonspinal and peripheral nerve blocks, sympathetic interventional techniques, soft tissue and joint injections, and implantables. Practical step-by-step and evidence-based guidance is given to each approach in order to improve the clinician's understanding. Innovative and timely, Essentials of Interventional Techniques in Managing Chronic Pain is a critical resource for anesthesiologists, neurologists, and rehabilitation and pain physicians.
Advances in Real and Complex Analysis with Applications
Yeol Je Cho, Michael Ruzhansky, Praveen Agarwal, Michael Area
- Birkhäuser
- 3 October 2017
- 9789811043376
This book discusses a variety of topics in mathematics and engineering as well as their applications, clearly explaining the mathematical concepts in the simplest possible way and illustrating them with a number of solved examples. The topics include real and complex analysis, special functions and analytic number theory, q-series, Ramanujan's mathematics, fractional calculus, Clifford and harmonic analysis, graph theory, complex analysis, complex dynamical systems, complex function spaces and operator theory, geometric analysis of complex manifolds, geometric function theory, Riemannian surfaces, Teichmüller spaces and Kleinian groups, engineering applications of complex analytic methods, nonlinear analysis, inequality theory, potential theory, partial differential equations, numerical analysis , fixed-point theory, variational inequality, equilibrium problems, optimization problems, stability of functional equations, and mathematical physics. It includes papers presented atthe 24th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (24ICFIDCAA), held at the Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur, 22-26 August 2016. The book is a valuable resource for researchers in real and complex analysis.
Stability of Functional Equations in Banach Algebras
Themistocles M. Rassias, Yeol Je Cho, Choonkil Park, Yeol Je Saadati
- Springer
- 26 June 2015
- 9783319187082
Some of the most recent and significant results on homomorphisms and derivations in Banach algebras, quasi-Banach algebras, C*-algebras, C*-ternary algebras, non-Archimedean Banach algebras and multi-normed algebras are presented in this book. A brief introduction for functional equations and their stability is provided with historical remarks. Since the homomorphisms and derivations in Banach algebras are additive and R-linear or C-linear, the stability problems for additive functional equations and additive mappings are studied in detail. The latest results are discussed and examined in stability theory for new functional equations and functional inequalities in Banach algebras and C*-algebras, non-Archimedean Banach algebras, non-Archimedean C*-algebras, multi-Banach algebras and multi-C*-algebras.Graduate students with an understanding of operator theory, functional analysis, functional equations and analytic inequalities will find this book useful for furthering their understanding and discovering the latest results in mathematical analysis. Moreover, research mathematicians, physicists and engineers will benefit from the variety of old and new results, as well as theories and methods presented in this book.
Nonlinear Inverse Problems in Imaging
Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo
- Wiley
- 16 November 2012
- 9781118478158
This book provides researchers and engineers in the imaging field with the skills they need to effectively deal with nonlinear inverse problems associated with different imaging modalities, including impedance imaging, optical tomography, elastography, and electrical source imaging. Focusing on numerically implementable methods, the book bridges the gap between theory and applications, helping readers tackle problems in applied mathematics and engineering. Complete, self-contained coverage includes basic concepts, models, computational methods, numerical simulations, examples, and case studies. Provides a step-by-step progressive treatment of topics for ease of understanding. Discusses the underlying physical phenomena as well as implementation details of image reconstruction algorithms as prerequisites for finding solutions to non linear inverse problems with practical significance and value. Includes end of chapter problems, case studies and examples with solutions throughout the book. Companion website will provide further examples and solutions, experimental data sets, open problems, teaching material such as PowerPoint slides and software including MATLAB m files. Essential reading for Graduate students and researchers in imaging science working across the areas of applied mathematics, biomedical engineering, and electrical engineering and specifically those involved in nonlinear imaging techniques, impedance imaging, optical tomography, elastography, and electrical source imaging
Fundamentals of Enzyme Engineering
Young Je Yoo, Yan Feng, Yong-Hwan Kim, Camila Flor J. Yagonia
- Springer
- 12 January 2017
- 9789402410266
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of enzyme engineering, from fundamental principles through to the state-of-the-art in research and industrial applications.
It begins with a brief history, describing the milestones of advancement in enzyme science and technology, before going on to cover the fundamentals of enzyme chemistry, the biosynthesis of enzymes and their production. Enzyme stability and the reaction kinetics during enzymatic reactions are presented to show how enzymes function during catalysis and the factors that affect their activity. Methods to improve enzyme performance are also presented, such as cofactor regeneration and enzyme immobilization. The book emphasizes and elaborates on the performance and characteristics of enzymes at the molecular level. Finally, the book presents recent advances in enzyme engineering and some key industrial application of enzymes addressing the present needs of society.
This book presents essential information not only for undergraduate and graduate students, but also for researchers in academia and industry, providing a valuable reference for the development of commercial applications of enzyme technology. -
Selected Regular Lectures from the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Sung Je Cho
- Springer
- 16 July 2015
- 9783319171876
This book comprises the full selected Regular Lectures from the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 4700 experts from 100 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. These selected Regular Lectures present the work of fifty-one prominent mathematics educators from all over the globe. The Lectures cover a wide spectrum of topics, themes and issues and aim to give direction to future research towards educational improvement in the teaching and learning of mathematics education. This book is of particular interest to researchers, teachers and curriculum developers in mathematics education.
Muscle contraction has been the focus of scientific investigation for more than two centuries, and major discoveries have changed the field over the years. Early in the twentieth century, Fenn (1924, 1923) showed that the total energy liberated during a contraction (heat + work) was increased when the muscle was allowed to shorten and perform work. The result implied that chemical reactions during contractions were load-dependent. The observation underlying the "Fenn effect" was taken to a greater extent when Hill (1938) published a pivotal study showing in details the relation between heat production and the amount of muscle shortening, providing investigators with the force-velocity relation for skeletal muscles. Subsequently, two papers paved the way for the current paradigm in the field of muscle contraction. Huxley and Niedergerke (1954), and Huxley and Hanson (1954) showed that the width of the A-bands did not change during muscle stretch or activation. Contraction, previously believed to be caused by shortening of muscle filaments, was associated with sliding of the thick and thin filaments. These studies were followed by the classic paper by Huxley (1957), in which he conceptualized for the first time the cross-bridge theory; filament sliding was driven by the cyclical interactions of myosin heads (cross-bridges) with actin. The original cross-bridge theory has been revised over the years but the basic features have remained mostly intact. It now influences studies performed with molecular motors responsible for tasks as diverse as muscle contraction, cell division and vesicle transport.
Fuzzy Operator Theory in Mathematical Analysis
Reza Saadati, Themistocles M. Rassias, Yeol Je Cho
- Springer
- 12 August 2018
- 9783319935010
This self-contained monograph presents an overview of fuzzy operator theory in mathematical analysis. Concepts, principles, methods, techniques, and applications of fuzzy operator theory are unified in this book to provide an introduction to graduate students and researchers in mathematics, applied sciences, physics, engineering, optimization, and operations research. New approaches to fuzzy operator theory and fixed point theory with applications to fuzzy metric spaces, fuzzy normed spaces, partially ordered fuzzy metric spaces, fuzzy normed algebras, and non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces are presented. Surveys are provided on: Basic theory of fuzzy metric and normed spaces and its topology, fuzzy normed and Banach spaces, linear operators, fundamental theorems (open mapping and closed graph), applications of contractions and fixed point theory, approximation theory and best proximity theory, fuzzy metric type space, topology and applications.
Stability of Functional Equations in Random Normed Spaces
Reza Saadati, Themistocles M. Rassias, Yeol Je Cho
- Springer
- 27 August 2013
- 9781461484776
This book discusses the rapidly developing subject of mathematical analysis that deals primarily with stability of functional equations in generalized spaces. The fundamental problem in this subject was proposed by Stan M. Ulam in 1940 for approximate homomorphisms. The seminal work of Donald H. Hyers in 1941 and that of Themistocles M. Rassias in 1978 have provided a great deal of inspiration and guidance for mathematicians worldwide to investigate this extensive domain of research.The book presents a self-contained survey of recent and new results on topics including basic theory of random normed spaces and related spaces; stability theory for new function equations in random normed spaces via fixed point method, under both special and arbitrary t-norms; stability theory of well-known new functional equations in non-Archimedean random normed spaces; and applications in the class of fuzzy normed spaces. It contains valuable results on stability in random normed spaces, and is geared toward both graduate students and research mathematicians and engineers in a broad area of interdisciplinary research.
The integrated theory of dynamic interpretation set out here will be a surprise to advanced researchers in linguistics. It combines classical formal semantics and modern dynamic semantics without altering the fundamental paradigm. At the book's core lies a pragmatically motivated notion of a dynamic conjunction of meanings, an idea that is worked out in full formal detail. This is applied to linguistic phenomena that involve anaphora, quantification and modality. The author demonstrates that in each area of application existing data can be neatly combined with new dynamic insights, but more importantly, there is a genuine further pay-off: the work generates treatments of phenomena that were not initially intended, with functional readings of pronouns and quantifiers, `Hob-Nob' sentences, and insights into what we now call `Pierce's Puzzle'.
The outcome of a decade of work by the Amsterdam School of dynamic semantics, this volume condenses and reflects upon a vital body of research. -
Effective Education for All
Chun Zhang, Carlos Mccray, Su-Je Cho
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
- 1 August 2013
- 9781454189824
Effective Education for All deals with cultural-linguistic diversity and how to work in classrooms with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. It is essential reading for teachers, administrators, parents of CLD students, and policy makers if we are to continue to see progress and success from our graduates. This book is both practical and helpful for educators and their schools in offering Positive Behavior Support (PBS), illustrating key steps in understanding the problem and research on cultural-linguistic diversity. The authors offer resources to help educators and their families to understand the failures and successes with these students within the context of their particular schools and communities. What works with one group and age cohort may change as students develop within local and regional contexts.
It is important to include Tuber and Root Crops in the Handbook of Plant Breeding.
They include starchy staple crops that are of increasing importance for global food security and relief of poverty, important millennium goals for the United Nations. Indeed, 2008 was the UN International Year of the Potato in recognition of this role of the potato as the world's third most important food crop after wheat and rice. The other major staples are cassava, sweetpotato and yam. Together they occupy about 50 million hectares, with production at 640 million metric tons, of which 70% is in developing countries. In total there are more than 30 species of Root and Tuber Crops grown in the world today. Given the content of other volumes in the series, it makes sense to include sugar and fodder beets; swedes and turnips; and minor root and tuber crops so that the book series is as complete as possible.
Like the other volumes in the series, this one will present information on the latest in applied plant breeding using the current advances in the field, from an efficient use of genetic resources to the impact of biotechnology in plant breeding. Seven crop specific chapters are proposed, together with an introduction to this diverse set of plant species. Outstanding scientists for each crop species are proposed as senior authors, who may invite co-authors to contribute part of a chapter. In order to increase the overall acceptance of the volume, balance will be sought with authors from different research groups/countries who will be asked to contribute and collaborate where appropriate. The book should be of interest to researchers in both academic and industrial settings, and in both developed and developing countries, as well as students and teachers of plant breeding. It is currently extremely important to educate and train a new generation of plant breeders given the challenges faced by humankind in producing more food for an expanding global population during a period of environmental (including climate) change. -
The Rise of Neoliberalism in Advanced Capitalist Economies
M. Howard, J.E. King
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 June 2008
- 9780230583924
In this unique and dramatic account of the rise of neoliberalism Howard and King consider the major features of historical materialism, the factors which resulted in 19th and 20th century thinkers incorrectly predicting the long-term decline of the market, and the prospects for a reversal of neoliberalism in the 21st century.
Séquences : la revue de cinéma. No. 310, Octobre 2017
Elie Castiel, Andre Caron, Maxime Labrecque, Jules Couturier, Denis Desjardins, Charles-Henri Ramond, Pascal Grenier, Je
- La revue Séquences Inc.
- 7 November 2017
- 9782924354261
Cette édition automnale de Séquences fait la part belle aux textes analytiques, coeur d'une revue spécialisée, en laissant à son pendant web le soin de critiquer l'actualité cinématographique d'ici et d'ailleurs au rythme où elle se vit, poussant les collaborateurs à « réfléchir vite et à penser avec [leurs] tripes ». « Envol 2.0 » comme le souligne Élie Castiel en ouverture de ce numéro. Numéro qui présente en couverture Le problème d'infiltration de Robert Morin, avec qui Élie Castiel s'est entretenu. Retrouvez aussi un gros-plan sur Dunkirk de Chrtistopher Nolan, la première partie d'une étude sur le cinéma autochtone et la seconde de celle sur l'homosexualité à l'écran. Pour rendre hommage à la cinéaste québécoise d'origine tunisienne Michka Saäl, disparue soudainement au cours de l'été, l'équipe de Séquences publie une entrevue inédite, menée en 1995. Le numéro se conclut avec un salut aux artisans du grand écran qui nous ont récemment quittés.