Michael e. Gerber
4 produits trouvés
E-myth ; le mythe de l'entrepreneur revisité ; pourquoi la plupart des petites entreprises échouent et que faire pour réussir
Michael e. Gerber
- Alisio
- 29 November 2017
- 9791092928938
Pourquoi la plupart des petites entreprises échouent et que faire pour réussir !
Le best-seller vendu à plus de 2 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde enfin traduit en français !
Mythe de l'entrepreneur, n. :
1. Mythe selon lequel la plupart des personnes qui créent une petite entreprise sont des entrepreneurs.
2. Présupposé néfaste selon lequel une personne maîtrisant bien le travail technique d'une entreprise est capable de diriger une entreprise réalisant ce travail technique.
Qu'est-ce qui fait le succès d'une entreprise, qu'est-ce qui la voue à l'échec ? Classique parmi les classiques, cet ouvrage au succès international phénoménal déboulonne les mythes qui entourent la création d'entreprise et vous donne des solutions concrètes pour assurer le succès de la vôtre.
Vous apprendrez notamment à :
- déjouer la fatalité de l'échec grâce à une répartition rigoureuse des fonctions clés ;
- tirer parti des principes de la franchise pour pérenniser et faire grandir votre entreprise ;
- travailler sur votre entreprise et non pas dans votre entreprise pour retrouver une vie épanouissante et continuer à réaliser vos rêves.
Un ouvrage mythique qui a fait la renommée mondiale de son auteur, une bible pour tous les entrepreneurs et pour tous ceux qui rêvent de le devenir !
« Michael Gerber aime exhorter les gens à développer de puissantes visions concernant leur entreprise. » - Fortune
« Les idées brillantes de Michael Gerber ont permis à des milliers d'entrepreneurs de reprendre le contrôle de leur entreprise » - Success Magazine -
The Most Successful Small Business in The World
Michael E. Gerber
- Wiley
- 15 December 2009
- 9780470594322
A unique guide for the crucial start-up phase of a business So much attention goes to business practice and operation, yet the majority of ventures still fail. One area often overlooked is preparation. Too few entrepreneurs ask themselves, what are you supposed to do before you start your start-up? The Most Successful Small Business in The World gives you Michael E. Gerber's unique approach to thinking about the meaning of your company by applying his ten critical steps; a process you must go through long before you ever open your door. With these simple principles, based on expert Michael Gerber's years spent helping countless entrepreneurs, you'll take the essential first steps to lay the groundwork for building what Michael E. Gerber calls The Most Successful Small Business In the World! Author Michael Gerber has coached, taught, or trained more than 60,000 small businesses in 145 countries Free Webinar with Gerber for book purchasers Gerber's Ten Principles cover everything from defining the meaning of your company, teaching you how to think about systems, the importance of differentiation, perfecting the people within your business, acquiring clients, and more If you're ready to make your business dream more than just a reality, and resolve to do something bigger than you ever imagined, The Most Successful Small Business In The World will provide you with a stunningly original process for thinking yourself through it. Yes, you too can create The Most Successful Small Business In The World...Michael E. Gerber will show you exactly how to do it.
The E-Myth Attorney
Michael E. Gerber, Robert Armstrong, Sanford Fisch
- Wiley
- 20 April 2010
- 9780470627372
The complete guide to the business of running a successful legal practice Many attorneys in small and mid-size practices are experts on the law, but may not have considered their practice as much from a business perspective. Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Attorney fills this void, giving you powerful advice on everything you need to run your practice as a successful business, allowing you to achieve your goals and grow your practice. Featuring Gerber's signature easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement style, The E-Myth Attorney features: A complete start-up guide you can use to get your practice off the ground quickly, as well as comprehensive action steps for maximizing the performance of an existing practice Industry specific advice from two recognized legal experts that have developed a highly successful legal practice using Gerber's principles Gerber's universal appeal as a recognized expert on small businesses who has coached, taught, and trained over 60,000 small businesses The E-Myth Attorney is the last guide you'll ever need to make the difference in building or developing your successful legal practice.
Distilled small business advice for accounting practices Many accountants in small and mid-size practices are experts when it comes to their professional knowledge, but may not have considered their practice as much from a business perspective. Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Accountant fills this void, giving you powerful advice on everything you need to run your practice as a successful business, allowing you to achieve your goals and grow your practice. Featuring Gerber's signature easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement style, The E-Myth Accountant features
Gerber's universal appeal as a recognized expert on small businesses who has coached, taught, and trained over 60,000 small businesses A recognized and widely respected co-author and leader in the accounting field The E-Myth Accountant is the last guide you'll ever need to make the difference in building or developing your successful accounting practice.