Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Study in Scarlet
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 4 January 2017
- 9789176392744
Returning to London from war, an injured Dr John Watson is in acute need of a place to live. An acquaintance introduces him to the eccentric "consultant detective" Sherlock Holmes, and Watson soon finds himself pulled into an alluring world of crime solving adventures. Told partly through Watson, partly through the murderer, `A Study in Scarlet' (1887) is Arthur Conan Doyle's first dip into the world of Sherlock Holmes, and one that would make him world famous. This first Holmes novel became the basis of the pilot episode of the extremely popular BBC show, 'Sherlock' (2010-2017), by 'Doctor Who' showrunner Steven Moffat, which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 4 January 2017
- 9789176392768
Arguably the best compilation of mystery stories ever, `The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' (1892) is for any lover of intrigue and sophisticated humour. Sherlock's talent for solving cases based on things only he notices never disappoints, and everyone's curiosity is sure to be sustained till the end of each story. There is a reason Sherlock Holmes has been adapted more than a hundred times for various media. 2009-2011 saw Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as Sherlock and Watson, and even Will Ferrell has taken a stab at the popular character. Fans of the popular BBC series `Sherlock' (2010-2017) by Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat, which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, should definitely check out this original source material.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 26 October 2020
- 9789176392775
When Sir Charles Baskerville dies suddenly from a heart attack, a rumour of a deadly, supernatural giant dog, who may have been persecuted for generations, begins to circulate in the village. When Sir Henry Baskerville arrives from Canada for the legacy of the Baskerville manor in England, the skeptical Sherlock Holmes is called to help with the case. Was the death of Sir Charles Baskerville really a heart attack or maybe an animal lurking in deserted moors? Will Baskerville's new owner become the next victim of the dog?
The Hound of the Baskervilles is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's third Sherlock Holmes novel. The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of Doyle's most famous works and has been adapted for the big screen more than 20 times. -
The Poison Belt
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 4 January 2017
- 9789176392782
"Bring oxygen - Challenger." The gang from `The Lost World' is back together, but the reunion is much more dramatic than they had hoped. As Professor Challenger has predicted, the Earth is moving into a belt of poisonous ether and their only chance of survival is joining him in his house and watch the whole shebang go down together. Though very different from the first in the series, `The Poison Belt` (1913) is equally interesting and can be enjoyed in its own right. Like in his Sherlock Holmes series Conan Doyle displays, in the Challenger books, a knack for writing memorable characters and situations; his description of people going crazy from the ether will have you in hysterics.
Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Les éditions Pulsio
- 14 March 2016
- 9782371131101
Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes est un recueil de nouvelles policières écrit par Sir Arthur Conan Doyle et mettant en scène son célèbre détective privé.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Sherlock Holmes
- 22 October 2019
- 9788726211078
Þriðja ævintýri hins víðkunna og úrræðagóða einkaspæjara Sherlock Holmes, Baskerville-hundurinn, er ein þekktasta saga allra tíma og af flestum talin flaggskip hins stílhreina, eftirtektarsama og athugula píputottara Sherlock Holmes.
Í þetta skipti fást þeir, Holmes og hinn dyggi aðstoðarmaður Dr. Watson, við ógnarskepnu sem herjar á Dartmoor í Devonshire sýslu norður Englands þegar myrkva tekur og ógnar því rósemis lífi sem annars er þar við lýði
Árið 2003 vldu áhorfendur breska ríkisútvarpsins, BBC, bókina eina af sínum uppáhalds skáldsgum. -
Ferstrendi kistillinn:
Á amerísku gufuskipi verður hinn taugaóstyrki Hammond vitni að óvenjulegu og grunsamlegu samtali milli tveggja meðfarþega sinna og leggur á ráðin að grípa inn í atburðarásina. Kómísk spennusaga frá hfundi Sherlock Holmes.
Virtur prófessor finnst myrtur við þrep Háskólans í Búdapest og við tekur ævintýranleg atburðarás sem daðrar bæði við fantasíu og vísindaskáldskap. Óvenjuleg glæpasaga úr smiðju hfundar Sherlock Holmes.
Skotinn Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859-1930), var læknir að mennt en varði tíma sínum í skrif á meðan hann beið eftir sjúklingum á læknastofu sinni. Doyle endaði svo með að leggja læknasloppinn á hilluna, í þágu bókmenntanna. Hann er þekktastur fyrir glæpasgur sínar um einkaspæjarann sígilda, Sherlock Holmes, sem mrkuðu tímamót í þeirra glæpasagnahefð sem við þekkjum í dag. Doyle var afkastamikill rithfundur og kom víða við og telja skrif hans meðal annars til fantasíu, vísindaskáldskapar, leikrita, ljóða og fræðirita. -
Virtur prófessor finnst myrtur við þrep Háskólans í Búdapest og við tekur ævintýranleg atburðarás sem daðrar bæði við fantasíu og vísindaskáldskap. Óvenjuleg glæpasaga úr smiðju hfundar Sherlock Holmes.
Silfurxin er smásaga er birtist upphaflega í jólaútgáfu tímaritsins London Society árið 1883. -
Á amerísku gufuskipi verður hinn taugaóstyrki Hammond vitni að óvenjulegu og grunsamlegu samtali milli tveggja meðfarþega sinna og leggur á ráðin að grípa inn í atburðarásina. Kómísk spennusaga frá hfundi Sherlock Holmes.
Ferstrendi kistillinn er smásaga er birtist upphaflega í tímaritinu London Society árið 1881. -
Adventures of Gerard
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Svenska Ljud Classica
- 4 January 2017
- 9789176392751
Etienne Gerard is the bravest soldier, most accomplished swordsman, and best lover there is! Or so he is completely convinced. Amusing from start to finish, the satirical `Adventures of Gerard' (1903) follows the charismatic French brigadier in a series of adventures in which he gets to display his bravery - and his smugness is priceless. Author Conan Doyle wrote about Etienne Gerard in the decade between killing off his most notable character, Sherlock Holmes, and resurrecting him from the dead. Poking fun at both the French and the English, it would seem that Doyle's talent for creating memorable characters is endless. `Adventures of Gerard' was turned into a movie in 1970 starring Peter McEnery.
Lo Canhàs deus Baskervilles -
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Editions des Régionalismes
- 22 December 2013
- 9782824050133
Ua maladiccion que pesa suus Baskerville, vielha familha qui senhoreja dentz lo Devonshire, suu país ensauvadgit de la lana de Dartmoor. Un Canhàs gigant, demòni gessit de l'Ihèrn, que pareix e lo senhor de Baskerville que se'n moreix.
La mòrt sobta e tragica de'N Charles Baskerville, los cridòris d'un canhàs qui s'audéixenn capvath la lana, tot acò que dèixa créder la legenda que poiré estar vaduda realitat.
Talèu arribat a Londras, vienent deu Canadà, En Henry Baskerville que receu ua letra anonima : « Se tiénetz a la vòsta vita e a la vòsta rason, hètz-ves enlà de la lana ». A maugrat d'aqueras miaças, En Henry decideix d'anar a Baskerville Hall. Consultat, lo detectiu Sherlock Holmes encarga lo fidèu doctor Watson d'acompa-nhar lo joenn baronet.
L'enquista de Sherlock Holmes qu'a començat... Que serà longuèira, mauaisida e plea d'engoeix...
Roman lo mei famós de'N Arthur Conan Doyle, jòia de la literatura policièira, The Hound of Baskervilles qu'es estat arrevirat directament de l'anglés entau gascon per Eric Chaplain, e presentat aquí en version bilingüa dab lo tèste originau anglés. -
The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Saga Egmont
- Books to Read Before You Die
- 28 December 2022
- 9788728550892
From intense deduction methods and trusty sidekicks to supernatural dogs and grizzly murders, ´The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection´ offers a generous glimpse into some of the best adventures of the most famous detective of all time.
Follow the notorious detective and his companion, Dr Watson, as they try to solve the eerie mystery behind an attempted murder in ´The Hound of the Baskervilles´, or help them solve the mystery of a father gone missing in ´The Sign of the Four´.
These are just some of the thrilling adventures included in the collection, which also features the first-ever Sherlock Holmes story ´A Study in Scarlet´ alongside ´His Last Bow´ and ´The Valley of Fear´.
Beautifully portrayed by the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr, Sherlock Holmes has appeared in multiple iterations, most notably as a "high-functioning sociopath" in BBC's ´Sherlock´.
With nine exhilarating adventures, ´The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection´ serves as the perfect introduction to one of the most famous written characters of all time. It is ideal for fans of "Enola Holmes" on Netflix.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals.
His first Sherlock Holmes novel, `A Study in Scarlet' was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed.
The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series `Sherlock' starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. -
Las Memòrias de Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Editions des Régionalismes
- 5 June 2024
- 9782824056913
Qual coneis pas Sherlock Holmes ? Val pas mai la pena de lo presentar. Lo personatge de ficcion, tant es vengut la referéncia dels detectius en lucha contra lo crime, que d'unes pensan qu'a vertadièrament viscut.
Las Memòrias son la seguida de sas Aventuras contadas per son amic, lo brave Dr Watson. Aquelas 12 novèlas foguèron publicadas dins lo jornal The Strand Magazine entre 1892 e 1893.
Se tracha de : Luna d'Argent, La Bóstia de carton, La Cara jauna, Lo Comís del burèu de cambi, Lo Gloria Scott, Lo Ritual dels Musgraves, Los gròsses Mainatgièrs de Reigate, L'Òme encrocat, Lo Pacient a domicili, L'Interprèta grèc, Lo Tractat naval e Lo bèl darrièr Problèma.
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (1859-1930) es subretot conegut coma lo creator dels personatges de Sherlock Holmes e del professor Challenger. En mai d'èsser un escrivan prolific, agèt una vida tota plena. Foguèt medecin, jornalista, esportiu, politician, avocat de justícia e se consacrèt a l'esperitualisme. Foguèt anoblit en 1902.
Pèire Beziat (nascut en 1954) nos torna presentar una òbra màger de la literatura mondiala. Ja foguèron editadas ençò de las Edicions deus Regionalismes, sas reviradas de Viatge amb un Ase per Cevenas de R.-L. Stevenson, La Pèsta Escarlata de Jack London e 1984 de George Orwell. -
El Sabueso de los Baskerville
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Paradimage Soluciones
- 1 November 2015
- 9788416564149
Sherlock Holmes, el más famoso detective privado de todos los tiempos, vuelve en "El sabueso de los Baskerville" para aclarar el misterio que persigue a la familia Baskerville: todos los herederos del mismo caserón han ido muriendo asesinados durante siglos por lo que parece un enorme y endiablado perro. Cuando el último heredero se instala en el castillo, Sherlok Holmes le ayudará a averiguar qué es lo que realmente ocurre en el pueblo.
Dartmoor, au Sud-Ouest de l'Angleterre. Le vieux Sir Charles Baskerville succombe à une crise cardiaque après une balade sur la lande. Selon une légende vieille de plusieurs siècles, un énorme chien démoniaque en aurait après les membres de cette famille. Sherlock Holmes et le docteur Watson enquêtent. Ils doivent protéger le dernier descendant, Sir Henry, revenu du Canada pour hériter du domaine familial...
Les Exploits du professeur Challenger
Arthur Conan Sir Doyle
- A verba futuroruM
- 15 April 2021
- 9782369552765
Au pays des brumes, La ceinture empoisonnée, La Machine à désintégrer, Quand la Terre hurla. 4 aventures du professeur Challenger et de son comparse Mallone.
Short Story Collection Vol. 066 (Unabridged)
Et Al. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Everest Media LLC
- 19 June 2024
- 9798330016938
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 066. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this anthology transports you to realms of mystery, adventure, and human emotion. Each story is a gem, polished to perfection, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination. Immerse yourself in worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the boundaries of reality blur.
Short Story Collection Vol. 077 (Unabridged)
Et Al. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Everest Media LLC
- 13 June 2024
- 9798330004546
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 077. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this anthology transports you to realms of mystery, adventure, and human emotion. Each story is a gem, polished to perfection, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination. Immerse yourself in worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the boundaries of reality blur.
Short Story Collection Vol. 078 (Unabridged)
Et Al. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Everest Media LLC
- 13 June 2024
- 9798330004133
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 078. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this anthology transports you to realms of mystery, adventure, and human emotion. Each story is a gem, polished to perfection, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination. Immerse yourself in worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the boundaries of reality blur.
Short Story Collection Vol. 079 (Unabridged)
Et Al. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Everest Media LLC
- 13 June 2024
- 9798330003532
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 079. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this anthology transports you to realms of mystery, adventure, and human emotion. Each story is a gem, polished to perfection, leaving an indelible mark on your imagination. Immerse yourself in worlds where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the boundaries of reality blur.