Sylvain Repos
9 produits trouvés
Hiro, aidé par les Yojimbots, des robots samouraïs, échappe par miracle aux attaques successives du cruel Topu et de ses drones. Malgré une situation désespérée, le jeune garçon est déterminé à connaître la vérité sur le sort de sa famille. Hiro se rend compte que les croyances qui étaient les siennes jusqu'à alors ne sont que des mensonges tissés par ce mystérieux organisme qui cherche justement à le capturer. Malheureusement, piégé par Topu, et ne devant sa survie qu'au sacrifice d'un des Yojimbots, il fait alors face à un nouveau type de robot particulièrement redoutable. Celui-ci pourrait être la clé des réponses que se pose Hiro...
Affaiblis et usés par leurs précédents combats, Hiro et ses Yojimbots sont en mauvaise posture. Isolés et acculés par Topu et surtout par le redoutable Kozuki, transformé en cyborg léthal, Hiro et sa troupe cherchent un moyen de quitter l'île. Pris au piège dans une zone portuaire, attaqués par Kozuki et son armada, Hiro et les Yojimbots livrent une défense désespérée. Mais le jeune garçon est gravement blessé et laissé pour mort alors que la zone s'apprête à exploser...
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in...
In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in... In a dystopian not-too-distant future in Japan, Hiro lives with his father on an island populated by androids, where they eke out a meager existence while trying to keep out of sight. But when they run afoul of a troop of high-tech military thugs, Hiro's dad sacrifices himself to save his son, turning Hiro's already-bleak world upside-down. He is then rescued by a samurai robot called a "yojimbot," and together they seek to avenge his father's death and make contact with a mysterious associate known only as the "rights holder," before the soldiers and their drones close in...
Far from going it alone, Hiro is now in the protection of a trio of
fearless and daring yojimbots as he tries to find his way off this
forsaken island. The samurai robots have rallied to his cause as he
tries to track down a mysterious "rights holder" who seems to be the
key to the young boy's salvation, following the death of his father.
Together, Hiro and his entourage finally make it across the island to
Tower 4, where their contact is said to be awaiting them. But the
powers that be are not going to let them slip away quite so easily,
leading to an epic confrontation with the deadliest robots the island
has to offer. Will Hiro and the yojimbots be able to withstand one
more attack, and locate the rights holder? -
Yojimbot - Volume 3 - Part 1
Sylvain Repos
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection
- 27 September 2023
- 9791032814314
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
Yojimbot - Volume 3 - Part 2
Sylvain Repos
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection
- 27 September 2023
- 9791032814321
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
Yojimbot - Volume 3 - Part 3
Sylvain Repos
- Europe Comics
- Hors Collection
- 27 September 2023
- 9791032814338
The situation looks grim for the Kotai family as the island falls under control of President Sutera and her mainland thugs. Hiro is gravely wounded and to save him, his mother turns herself in to the revenge-obsessed Kozuki, who hands her over to the president and Dr. Ka so they can extract her blood to steal shares of Kotai Corp. Meanwhile, the robot Sheru roams the island seeking a way to help young Hiro while mainland robots pursue him to extract his memory cell and destroy all evidence of the government's misdeeds on the island.
Tatouages ; 50 histoires dans la peau
Emmanuel Mattazzi, Sylvain Repos
- Mango
- 2 November 2016
- 9782317015151
Pourquoi se faire tatouer une hirondelle, une montgolfière ou une fleur de lotus ? Grâce à 50 histoires de tatouages découvrez les origines et les significations des motifs qui ornent la peau des tatoués d'aujourd'hui. Qu'ils soient ancestraux, traditionnels ou des inspirations de ces derniers, tous les tatouages ont une histoire qu'Emmanuel Matazzi raconte ici avec passion tandis que Sylvain Repos les dessine à la manière des vrais tatoueurs.