april d. deconick
2 produits trouvés
A ground-breaking introductory textbook for the study of the New Testament and the first Christians, written for the next generation of students Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to the New Testament and the First Christians maps the historical rise of Christianity out of a network of early Christian movements. This major new textbook systematically explores the struggles to define the faith by presenting Christianity as the result of a lengthy process of religious consolidation which emerged from a landscape of persistent Christian diversity. The book delves into the history of the first five generations of Christians, from Paul to Origen. The first chapter considers the challenges of constructing Christian histories and offers a new model of Christian families to organize and explain the emergence and competition of different varieties of Christianity. Each successive chapter focuses on key issues that Christian leaders engaged over the centuries, demonstrating how the questions they posed and the answers they provided gave Christianity its distinct shape. As the movements competed for social advantage, Christians began identifying certain Christian movements as enemies and consolidated against them. The final chapter schematizes the Christians studied in the book into three families of Christian movements based on the particular God they worshipped and other shared patterns of thought and practice. This chapter also explains where the varieties of Christianities came from and how the process of consolidation undertaken by some churches shaped Christian identity within a forge of intolerance that still affects us today. Comparing Christianities explores the answers to questions: Who were the early Christians and what did they write? What did Christians think about sex, women, immortality, Judaism, suffering and death? What rituals did the first Christians practice, and what did their religious experiences mean to them? How did Christians live in a Roman-dominated world? How did the first Christians explain the origins of their movement?Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to the New Testament and the First Christians serves as an excellent primary textbook in undergraduate classrooms for Introduction to Christianity, Introduction to Religion, New Testament Studies, Christian Origins, World Religions, and Western World Religions, and a thought-provoking resource for anyone wishing to know more about Christianity.
Le treizième apôtre ; ce que dit vraiment l'Evangile de Judas
April D. Deconick
- L'Eclat
- 19 June 2014
- 9782841621927
En 2006, le National Geographic publie la première traduction anglaise de l'Évangile de Judas à partir d'un manuscrit du IIe siècle découvert en Égypte en 1970. Cette traduction est un événement, relayé par les traductions successives (dont notamment celle française publiée chez Flammarion à partir de l'anglais) dans la mesure où le texte semble bouleverser l'image que l'on se faisait de Judas, qui de traître, devient bienveillant et ami de Jésus, au point d'être considéré désormais comme le treizième apôtre. Hélas pour le « département des réhabilitations », la traduction proposée par le National Geographic s'est avérée extrêmement fautive et peut-être même volontairement fautive, comme s'il fallait par ce renversement de perspective, réhabiliter Judas au nom d'une nouvelle fraternité interreligieuse.Madame DeConick retrace non seulement l'histoire de ce manuscrit, mais relève les nombreuses erreurs de traduction pour proposer à son tour une traduction nouvelle et ouvre un débat passionnant sur les intérêts politiques qui, au nom d'une modernité oecuménique, se permet de falsifier les sources historiques.