16 produits trouvés
Hydroponik leicht gemacht ; alles über pflanzenanbau im haus
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 2 April 2020
- 9782845942639
Mit dieser reich illustrierten Bibel für das Gärtnern mit Hydroponik werden Ihre Erträge alle Erwartungen übertreffen.
Egal ob Ihre Pflanzen in Wasser, in der Luft, in Kokosfasern oder in Tonkügelchen wurzeln: Mit Hydroponik ist es mglich, gesunde Pflanzen zu züchten und 365 Tage im Jahr frisches Obst und Gemüse zu ernten.
Von den Grundlagen des Gärtnerns für Anfänger bis hin zur detaillierten Beschreibung von Hightech-Anlagen und professionellem Know-how enthält dieser umfassende Wegweiser alles, was Sie schon immer über die Kunst der Hydroponik wissen wollten.
Diese neue Auflage ist um ein Kapitel über die aktuellen Entwicklungen ergänzt worden und wird alle Ihre Fragen zu urbanem Gartenbau, Bioponik, nachhaltigen Mikrofarmen und Küchengärten beantworten.
« Auf dem Weg zum perfekten Indoor-Garten. »
Hanf Journal
« Hervorragende Illustrationen. Ein Standardwerk, welches ich immer griffbereit halte. »
Jorge Cervantes -
Hydroponics for everybody ; all about home horticulture
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 6 April 2020
- 9782845942660
Richly illustrated, this bible of hydroponic gardening will increase your harvests above and beyond what you thought was possible.
Whether their roots are in water, in the air, in coconut coir, or in clay pebbles, hydroponics allows you to grow healthy plants and harvest fruits and vegetables 365 days a year.
From basic gardening tips for beginners to high-tech installations and professional know-how, this comprehensive guidebook brings together everything you ever wanted to know about the art of hydroponics.
This new edition has been expanded to include a chapter on current trends, and it will answer all your questions about urban gardening, planted walls, bioponics, sustainable micro-farms, and kitchen farms.
Adresses and websites
Trade shows and fairs
Over 1,700 professional entries
« This richly illustrated bible of hydroponic gardening will increase your indoor harvests to levels you never thought possible. »
« A highly anticipated book. »
Maximum Yield
« This book contains everything you ever wanted to know about the art of hydroponics. »
Industry News -
Idroponica per tutti ; tutto sull'orticoltura domestica
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 2 April 2020
- 9782845942646
Grazie a questa bibbia del giardinaggio idroponico, riccamente illustrata, il raccolto delle vostre colture indoor raggiungerà livelli che non avreste mai immaginato.
Le radici potranno essere immerse in acqua, in aria, nella fibra di cocco o nell'argilla espansa: in tutti questi casi, l'idroponica farà crescere piante rigogliose e vi permetterà di raccogliere frutta e ortaggi 365 giorni l'anno.
Dalle basi per i principianti alle tecniche più avanzate per i professionisti e alle installazioni high-tech, una guida completa in cui troverete tutto ciò che avete sempre voluto sapere sull'arte dell'idroponica.
La nuova edizione è stata ampliata e contiene un capitolo sulle ultime tendenze. Troverete le risposte a tutte le vostre domande riguardanti le coltivazioni in città, i muri vegetali, la bioponia, le micro-aziende agricole sostenibili e gli orti in cucina.
« Una guida pensata per consentire a tutti di imparare le tecniche della coltivazione fuori suolo. »
Dolce Vita
« Illustrazioni straordinarie. Lo tengo sempre a portata di mano per consultarlo. »
Jorge Cervantes -
Hidroponía para todos ; las diez claves de la horticultura en casa
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 17 April 2020
- 9782845943070
Lo esencial de la hidroponía de interior y exterior.
Los consejos expertos de William Texier para iniciarse en la jardinería hidro.
¿Desea usted controlar el cultivo de sus plantas, gestionar su alimentación, asegurarles una excelente salud, reducir al máximo la utilización de herbicidas y pesticidas, no depender de las inclemencias climáticas ni de la calidad de la tierra de su región? La hidroponía le será de gran ayuda en su búsqueda de un cultivo de calidad.
Con sus detalladas explicaciones y sus 90 ilustraciones, esta versión mini del best-seller de William Texier le guiará en su andadura paso a paso en la ciudad o en el campo. Con este libro, usted evitará los errores de principiante y adquirirá rápidamente confianza en sus propios talentos de jardinero. Para disfrutar de su primera cosecha o para admirar sus flores.
« Entenderá cómo funciona... ¡Es impresionante! »
France 5
« Con notables ilustraciones. Siempre tengo un ejemplar a mano. »
Jorge Cervantes -
How I Became the Hash Queen is an exciting personal account from one of the cannabis industry's rare female icons, a life story unlike any other that takes us from 1960s Amsterdam to the Himalayas, and to the burgeoning legal weed scene in the U.S.
Mila's autobiography is intriguing and inspiring on many levels. As a mother, inventor, traveler, lover, and spiritual practitioner, she has taken incredible risks and embarked on unimaginable adventures. Reinventing herself and creating businesses over and over, Mila supported her children and was a rebel at the same time. Her story is, by turns, a riveting travel-log of trekking through uncharted passes and to secret monasteries, and part ultra-personal account of love stories and heartbreaks. Mila takes us with her to the first parties on the beach in Goa, India, and into the heart of the sixties revolution in fashion and music in Amsterdam. Through it all, she faces the challenge of being a single mother, even as she becomes a pioneer in a traditionally male industry with her game-changing inventions, which have shaped the future of hash-making. This book offers an inside view into a wide variety of alternative worlds and experiences, in the company of a fascinating woman.
Mila, also known as "The Hash Queen," was recently honored with being named one of the 100 most influential people in the world of cannabis-and her fame continues to expand. -
Esta biblia de la jardinería hidropónica, profusamente ilustrada, aumentará tus cosechas en interiores a niveles que nunca pensaste posibles.
Ya sea con las raíces en agua, en el aire, en fibra de coco, o en bolitas de arcilla, la hidroponía permite cultivar plantas saludables, y cosechar frutas y vegetales durante los 365 días del año.
Desde consejos de jardinería básica hasta instalaciones de tecnología puntera y conocimientos técnicos para el profesional experimentado, esta extensa guía incluye todo lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre el arte de la hidroponía.
Esta nueva edición ha sido ampliada para incluir un capítulo sobre tendencias actuales, y responderá a todas tus preguntas acerca de la jardinería urbana, los muros vegetales, la bioponía, las micro-granjas sostenibles, y los cultivos de cocina.
Direcciones y sitios web
Ferias y festivales
Más de 1700 contactos profesionales.
« William Texier es simplemente el rey de la hidroponía. »
« Con notables ilustraciones. Siempre tengo un ejemplar a mano. »
Jorge Cervantes
« Un libro muy esperado. »
Maximum Yield -
Medical Cannabis ; From Marijuana to Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Mama Editions
- 8 January 2020
- 9782845942738
This unique and timely book arrives just as a growing number of states are authorizing the use of medical cannabis.
Written by highly respected international specialists, it answers the most frequently asked questions about this unusual plant medicine, including:
o The diseases that can be helped or even healed by marijuana, and the ways in which the human body can absorb it.
o Where to obtain legal medical cannabis, and instructions on how to grow your own if it is unavailable for purchase.
o The respective medical attributes of THC and CBD, and the history of different marijuana varieties.
o The latest legislation in different parts of the world.
o The available pharmaceutical medications derived from marijuana, or from synthetic cannabinoids.
o The history of marijuana usage around the world, including legal purchase in the Dutch Coffee Shops.
This richly illustrated book provides a practical overview of therapeutic marijuana. With clarity and humor, it also offers an understanding of the complex issues surrounding this fascinating plant.
« A must read. »
France 3
« A precious work of synthesis. »
This practical handbook reveals new organic gardening techniques. It's a compendium of secrets rediscovered and innovative tips.
Beneficial micro-organisms, bokashi or biodynamic compost, permaculture, vortex, power of the elements... The Organic Grow Book opens the doors to a full-scale (r)evolution where productivity goes hand in hand with quality.
Summer and winter, in soil or bioponic, learn to grow healthier and tastier plants - fruit, vegetables, flowers - while enhancing your own well-being and the planet's.
With its broad array of unprecedented strategies and proven tips, this eco-responsible and highly humorous guide is a must for all mindful gardeners, whether beginners or experts.
Photos, 3D diagrams, microscopies, step-by-step graphs... over 570 original illustrations.
Addresses and websites
Trade shows and fairs
Over 550 professional entries
« An indoor & outdoor organic gardening reference. »
Ushuaïa TV
« A very precious book. »
Le Monde
« Explains everything about organic gardening. A heck of a book! »
France Inter -
L'hydroponie pour tous ; tout sur l'horticulture à la maison ; édition russe
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 3 April 2020
- 9782845942684
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Maximum Yield
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Tato bohate ilustrovaná bible hydroponického pestování vám pomuze v klidu domova dosáhnout takových výnosu, o jakých se vám dríve ani nesnilo.
At uz koreny rostou ve vode, ve vzduchu, v kokosových vláknech, nebo jílovitých granulátech, jedno jisté - díky hydroponii budou vase rostliny prospívat a dávat vám cerstvou zeleninu a ovoce po celý rok.
V Hydroponii pro kazdého najdete vse od základu pestování az po instalaci supermoderních systému, rady pro zacátecníky i odborné informace pro profesionální zahradníky, obecne známé postupy i peclive strezená tajemství - zkrátka vsechno, co byste si práli vedet o umení hydroponie.
Toto nové vydání bylo rozsíreno o kapitolu zabývající se posledními trendy v oboru, ve které se doctete o pestování ve mestech, o zelených stenách, bioponii ci trvale udrzitelných mikrofarmách.
« Nyní konecne pochopíte, jak hydroponie funguje... impozantní práce! »
France 5 (Televizní Stanice)
« Kniha obsahuje vynikající ilustrace. Mám ji vzdy po ruce. »
Jorge Cervantes -
Dieses praktische Handbuch erläutert neue biologische Gartenbautechniken. Ein Kompendium wiederentdeckter Geheimnisse und innovativer Ratschläge.
Nützliche Mikroorganismen, Bokashi oder biodynamischer Kompost, Permakultur, Wasserwirbler, die Kraft der Elemente... Das Bio-Grow-Buch ffnet die Türen zu einer umfassenden (R)Evolution, bei der Produktivität und Qualität Hand in Hand gehen.
Lernen Sie, im Sommer und im Winter, in Erde oder bioponisch, gesündere und wohlschmeckendere Pflanzen Obst, Gemüse, Blumen anzubauen und dabei Ihr eigenes Wohlbefinden und das unseres Planeten zu verbessern.
Mit seinem breiten Spektrum an neuen Strategien und bewährten Tipps ist dieser umweltfreundliche und überaus humorvolle Führer ein Muss für alle achtsamen Gärtner, egal ob Anfänger oder Experten.
Fotos, 3D-Diagramme, Mikroskopaufnahmen, Schritt-für-Schritt-Grafiken... insgesamt über 570 Originalillustrationen.
Vorwort von Michka Seeliger-Chatelain.
Zeichnungen von Pic Lelièvre.
Adressen und Webseiten
Fachmessen und Märkte
Mehr als 550 Kontaktadressen
« Herausragend! ... Unglaublich! ... Dieses Buch liest sich wie kein anderes. »
France 5
« Prädikat: besonders wertvoll. »
Le Monde
« Hier werden alle Fragen zum biologischen Gärtnern beantwortet. Ein tolles Buch! »
France Inter -
Grow organic in comics
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 11 December 2019
- 9782845942981
The bible of modern organic gardening in graphic format. Because a good illustration speaks volumes.
Welcome to a more ecologically balanced way of growing! With plenty of humor and lots of precise details, this book shows you how to create and maintain a well-designed, eco-responsible garden.
You'll learn everything you need to know about compost, plant propagation, and the little creatures and practices that contribute to the well-being of plant and planet alike - practices designed for growing delicious, healthful fruit and vegetables, as well as superb flowers.
Bokashi and biodynamic composting, permaculture, vortex, bioponics, and a host of other terms and techniques appear in vivid, practical detail.
Based on the work of Karel the Gardener, Pic's illustrations highlight the very essence of gardening: delight. First, the delight of enjoying the book! Then the delight of cultivating, watching things grow, harvesting, and savoring. And finally, the delight of knowing that all of these techniques help protect the planet.
A vast compendium of innovative methods and tried-and-true gardening advice, this effervescent guide is a must for any gardener who wishes to grow in good conscience.
The authors
Denis Lelièvre, a.k.a. "Pic," is a French illustrator, sculptor, comic book author, and gardener. Among other creations, his comic strip Pic et Zou appears in the weekly Franco-Belgian publication Spirou.
Grow Organic in Comics is freely adapted from The Organic Grow Book by Karel Schelfhout & Michiel Panhuysen.
Karel Schelfhout has been a prominent authority in the field of horticulture for over thirty years. After playing a major role in promulgating high-tech gardening techniques developed in the Netherlands, Karel now champions growing organic.
Michiel Panhuysen, a journalist published in several languages, specializes in organic farming and urban gardening.
« You'll know absolutely everything there is to know about growing confidently and conscientiously. »
Actua Comics
« An Indispensable Book. »
Garden Culture -
Biologisch telen in stripvorm
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 27 July 2020
- 9782845943629
De Bijbel van de hedendaagse biologische teelt in stripvorm. Uiteindelijk spreken treffende illustraties boekdelen.
Welkom bij een ecologisch uitgebalanceerde teeltwijze! Met veel humor en bijzonder uitgebreide details laat dit boek je zien hoe er milieuverantwoord kan worden geteeld en getuinierd.
Het leert je alles over humus, teelt en de beestjes en praktijken die ten goede komen aan planten én aan de planeet -praktijken die zijn gericht op de teelt van smakelijke en gezonde groenten en fruit. En van prachtige bloemen.
Bokashi- of biodynamische compost, permacultuur, beregening, bioponics en diverse andere begrippen worden duidelijk in beeld gebracht en helder uitgelegd.
Met de illustraties van Pic, gebaseerd op het werk van Karel de Tuinman, wordt de essentie van het tuinieren getroffen, namelijk plezier! Allereerst het plezier van het lezen. En daarna het plezier van de teelt, het zien van groei, het oogsten, proeven en tot slot het plezier van de wetenschap dat je de aarde beschermt.
Dit handboek, vol innovatieve strategieën en beproefde adviezen, maar ook veel humor, is een must voor alle milieubewuste telers en tuinders.
Denis Lelièvre, ook bekend als `Pic', is illustrator, beeldhouwer, schrijver van strips én tuinder.
Biologisch Telen in stripvorm, vrij bewerkt naar `The Organic Grow Book' van Karel Schelfhout & Michiel Panhuysen.
Karel Schelfhout is al meer dan dertig jaar een autoriteit op het gebied van tuinbouw. Hij heeft een belangrijke rol gespeeld bij de verbreiding van de hoogwaardige tuinbouwtechnieken die in Nederland zijn ontwikkeld, en heeft uiteindelijk gekozen voor de biologische teelt.
Michiel Panhuysen, een journalist die publicaties in verschillende talen op zijn naam heeft staan, is gespecialiseerd in de biologische landbouw en stedelijke tuinbouw.
« Dit stripverhaal is werkelijk ongelooflijk... Een methode die alles duidelijk maakt! Als je dit beeldverhaal leest, kun je de tuin opnieuw uitvinden. »
France 5
« Feestelijk, humoristisch en energiek handboek voor het telen van gave groenten en bloemen. »
deVolskrant -
Grow organic in cartoons
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 20 March 2020
- 9782845943438
The bible of modern organic gardening in graphic format. Because a good illustration speaks volumes.
Welcome to a more ecologically balanced way of growing! With plenty of humour and lots of precise details, this book shows you how to create and maintain a well-designed, eco-responsible garden.
You'll learn everything you need to know about compost, plant propagation and the little creatures and practices that contribute to the well-being of plant and planet alike - practices designed for growing delicious, healthy fruit and vegetables, as well as superb flowers.
Bokashi and biodynamic composting, permaculture, vortex, bioponics and a host of other terms and techniques appear in vivid, practical detail.
Based on the work of Karel the Gardener, Pic's illustrations highlight the very essence of gardening: delight. First, the delight of enjoying the book! Then the delight of cultivating, watching things grow, harvesting and savouring. And finally, the delight of knowing that all these techniques help protect the planet.
A vast compendium of innovative methods and tried-and-trusted gardening advice, this entertaining guide is a must for any gardener who wishes to grow in good conscience.
« You'll know absolutely everything there is to know about growing confidently and conscientiously. »
Actua Comics
« An Indispensable Book. »
Garden Culture -
Cultivo orgánico, el cómic
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 19 March 2020
- 9782845943445
La biblia de la jardinería ecológica moderna en tiras cómicas. Porque una buena viñeta dice más que un gran discurso.
En marcha hacia la reconversión ecológica gracias a este libro que, con humor pero también con precisión, le entrega las claves de un saber hacer en el ámbito de la jardinería ecorresponsable.
Sabrá todo sobre el humus, las semillas, los bichos y las prácticas beneficiosas para las plantas y para el planeta, que ayudan a cultivar frutas y verduras sanas y sabrosas. También flores maravillosas.
Compost bokashi o biodinámica, permacultura, vortex, bioponía: estos conceptos, y muchos otros, se desplegarán bajo sus ojos y ya no tendrán secretos para usted.
A través de las ilustraciones de Pic, apoyadas en el trabajo de Karel -el jardinero-, se alcanza la esencia misma de la jardinería: el placer. Placer de leer, en primer lugar. Placer de cultivar, placer de ver crecer, placer de cosechar, placer de saborear y, en definitiva, placer de saber que protegemos la Tierra.
Amplio compendio de estrategias innovadoras y de consejos expertos, esta guía llena de humor es lo máximo para todo jardinero que desea cultivar en conciencia.
« Esta tira cómica es absolutamente increíble... ¡Una manera de comprenderlo todo! Leyéndola, se puede reinventar el jardín. »
France 5
« La ecología es una ola gigante que cambiará el mundo. »
Camille Muller -
Coltivare bio a fumetti
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 21 April 2020
- 9782845943513
La bibbia del giardinaggio biologico moderno in versione a fumetti. Perché un bel disegno vale più di un lungo discorso.
In marcia verso la riconversione ecologica grazie a questo volume che, con humor e grande accuratezza, fornisce le chiavi della conoscenza per coltivare in modo eco-responsabile.
Imparerete tutto sull'humus, sui semi, sugli insetti utili e sulle pratiche che fanno bene sia alle piante che al pianeta e aiutano a far crescere frutti e ortaggi sani e gustosi.
E anche fiori stupendi.
Compost bokashi o biodinamico, permacultura, vortex, bioponica: queste parole, e molte altre, prenderanno vita sotto i vostri occhi e non avranno più alcun segreto.
Con i disegni di Pic, che racconta il lavoro di Karel il giardiniere, si arriva all'essenza stessa del giardinaggio: il piacere. Il piacere di leggere, prima di tutto! E poi il piacere di coltivare, di veder crescere, di raccogliere, di gustare e infine, di sapere che stiamo difendendo la Terra.
Florilegio di strategie innovative e consigli collaudati, questa guida piena di humour (umorismo sarebbe ancora meglio) è un must per chiunque voglia coltivare in modo consapevole.
« Questo fumetto è assolutamente incredibile... un modo perfetto per capire tutto! Potrete reinventare il giardino leggendolo. »
France 5
« Il bio è un'onda travolgente che cambierà il mondo. »
Camille Muller