50 Minutes
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life of Henry Ford in next to no time with this concise guide.
50Minutes.com provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life and career of Henry Ford. Prior to the early 20th century, a car was a luxury that only a privileged few could afford, but this all changed thanks to Ford. His moving assembly line drastically reduced the cost of vehicles such as the Ford Model T, and he raised wages so that workers could buy the cars they built. His innovations changed the face of industry, and paved the way for mass production and consumption.
In just 50 minutes you will:
o Learn about Ford's early life and career before founding the Ford Motor Company
o Understand the success of his production line and the Ford Model T
o Discover the impact of his innovations on American industry and society
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture
50MINUTES.COM will enable you to quickly understand the main events, people, conflicts and discoveries from world history that have shaped the world we live in today. Our publications present the key information on a wide variety of topics in a quick and accessible way that is guaranteed to save you time on your journey of discovery.
Thomas Edison : De grote uitvindingen van een onverzadigbaar genie
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 10 March 2023
- 9782808605380
Thomas Edison, een onverzadigbare uitvinder met meer dan duizend patenten, is de belichaming van de Amerikaanse self-made man. Deze autodidact, die op 24-jarige leeftijd ondernemer werd, wordt beschouwd als de grootste uitvinder aller tijden. Zonder zijn genialiteit zou er nooit een platenspeler, bioscoop, telefoon of gloeilamp zijn geweest. Hij creëerde ook de elektronica-industrie die leidde tot de uitvinding van radio en televisie. Ontdek in 50 minuten het leven van deze man die het leven van mensen wilde veranderen door het gebruik van elektriciteit in Amerikaanse en Europese huizen te democratiseren en de ontwikkeling van elektrische straatverlichting te bevorderen.
Thomas Edison : Le grandi invenzioni di un genio insaziabile
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 10 March 2023
- 9782808609012
Thomas Edison, insaziabile inventore con più di mille brevetti, è l'emblema del self-made man americano. Quest'uomo autodidatta, diventato imprenditore all'età di 24 anni, è considerato il più grande inventore di tutti i tempi. Senza il suo genio non sarebbero mai esistiti il giradischi, il cinema, il telefono o la lampadina. Ha anche creato l'industria elettronica che ha portato all'invenzione della radio e della televisione. Scoprite in 50 minuti la vita di quest'uomo che ha deciso di cambiare la vita delle persone democratizzando l'uso dell'elettricità nelle case americane ed europee e promuovendo lo sviluppo dell'illuminazione stradale elettrica.